项目前期我们充分的了解了客户的设计需求,发现客户经过多次设计尝试已经理清了思路知道他们想要什么, 因此我们既定了整体PIS规划+模块化设计作为我们的设计思路这样能够保证项目的快速落地。重点不是如何打造特立独行的设计语言,而是应有一定的设计指向性,每一寸的造型应该满足其功能、装配、机构形式的表达。
高品质和优质的服务吸引目标群体,客户使用本项目产品,可减少人工、提升 产能、节能原材料消耗,同时随着智能化程度的加深,工厂管理成本、安全隐患也将大大降低。
In the early stage of the project, we fully understood the design needs of customers and found that customers have sorted out their ideas and know what they want after many design attempts. Therefore, we have established the overall PIs planning + modular design as our design idea, which can ensure the rapid implementation of the project. The key point is not how to create a unique design language, but should have a certain design orientation. The shape of each inch should meet the expression of its function, assembly and mechanism form.
High quality and high-quality services attract the target group. Customers' use of the project products can reduce labor, improve production capacity, and save energy on raw materials. At the same time, with the increase of intelligence, the factory management cost and potential safety hazards will also be greatly reduced.
HangYu Il area wuhan university science park wuhan.